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Quick Pickled Lentils

Prep Time: 5 Minutes

Total time: 20 Minutes

Servings: 2 quarts

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    1 quart (1 L) whole red lentils, dry

    2 quarts (2 L) water

    1 quart (1 L) white wine vinegar

    2 Tbsp (60 mL) bay leaves, dried

    1 Tbsp (30 mL) whole peppercorns

    2 Tbsp (60 mL) lemon peel

    2 tsp (10 mL) salt


  1. In a large pot over medium to high heat, combine all ingredients. Bring to a boil then reduce to a simmer.
  2. Cook for 10 minutes. Turn the burner off and allow the pot to sit for an additional 5 minutes.
  3. Drain and cool lentils. Store refrigerated for up to two weeks.
  4. Reserve leftover pickling liquid if desired for a delicious vinaigrette starter.

Nutritional Information

  • Serving Size: ¼ cup (60 mL)
  • Per serving:
  • Calories 50
  • Total Fat 0 g
  • Saturated Fat 0 g
  • Cholesterol 0 mg
  • Carbohydrates 10 g
  • Dietary Fibre 2 g
  • Sugar 0 g
  • Protein 3 g
  • Sodium 75 mg
  • Potassium 141 mg
  • Folate 0.12 mcg