Five Simple Tips for a Gluten-Free Kitchen July 29, 2015By adminFor those with celiac disease, gluten-free eating is a requirement. But many others are exploring the gluten-free lifestyle these days, for various health and diet reasons. When you first make the switch to a gluten-free diet, it can be a bit tricky to know how to stock and set up your kitchen. Here are five
Mix & Match Lentils with Colourful Summer Produce July 29, 2015By adminBecause they are so wonderful in warm, hearty dishes, we sometimes forget about lentils in the warm summer months. But lentils are an excellent way of adding protein to the wide variety of summer produce currently available in grocery stores and at farmers’ markets. When choosing your produce, it’s important to aim for a wide
Get Kids Cooking: Summer Recipes to Cook with Your Kids July 15, 2015By adminWritten by Canadian Lentils Dietitian Gloria Tsang, RD August is here! That means one more month of family time before the kids go back to school. It also means many families are running out of ideas for activities to keep the kids entertained. One great way to keep the kids occupied – while also teaching