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Lentil & Rice Pilaf

Prep Time: 5 Minutes

Total time: 1 Hours 5 Minutes

Servings: N/A

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    2 Tbsp butter

    1 cup brown rice, uncooked

    1 large onion, chopped

    1 red pepper, chopped

    3 green onion, chopped

    4 cups water

    1 Tbsp chicken stock

    1 cup dry green lentils

    1 can mushrooms with liquid, chopped

    ½ tsp thyme

    salt and pepper to taste


  1. Sauté rice, onions and red pepper in butter for five minutes. Watch closely as it burns easily.
  2. Add remaining ingredients. Bring to a boil. Turn heat to low and cover tightly.
  3. Simmer one hour.

Nutritional Information

  • Serving Size: 200 g
  • Per serving:
  • Calories 163
  • Total Fat 3.2 g
  • Cholesterol 5.7 mg
  • Carbohydrates 27 g
  • Dietary Fibre 7 g
  • Sugar 1.9 g
  • Protein 6.7 g
  • Sodium 430 mg
  • Potassium 259 mg
  • Folate 3%